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Friday, December 3, 2010
when I get old,
i hope u understand and have patient with me..
In case I break a plate or spill soup on the table becuase I'm loosing my eyesight
I hope you don't yell at me...
older people are SENSITIVE
..always having selfpity when you yell
When my hearing gets worse and I cant hear what you're saying
I hope you don't call me Deaf!
please repeat what you said or write it down
Im sorry my child,
...Im getting older
When my knees get weaker,I hope you get the patience to help me get up
Like how I used to help you while you were little
..learning how to walk
please bear with me
When I keep repeating my self like a broken record,
I hope you just keep listening to me
Please don't make fun of me
or get sick of listening to me..
Do you remeber when you were little and you wanted a ballon?
you repeated yourself over and over until you got what you wanted
..Please also pardon myself
I smile like an old person
please don't force me to shower,
my body is weak
Old people get sick easily when there're cold
I hope I don't gross you out
Do you remember when you were little?
I used to chase you around because you didnt want to shower
I hope you can be patient with me
when Im always cranky
It's all part of getting old.
You'll understand when you're older
and if you have spare time
I hope we can talk,even for a few minutes
I'm always all by my self all the time
and have no one to talk to
I know you're busy with work
even you're not interested in my stories,
please have time for me
Do you remember when you were little?
I used to listen to your stories about your teddy bear
when the times come and i get ill and bedridden
I hope you have to patience to take care of me
during the last moments of my life
I'm not going to last much longer,anyway...
When the times of my death comes
I hope you hold my hand
and give me the strength to face death
and don't worry...
when I finally meet our creator
I will whisper in his ear
to BLESS you
because you loved your mom
thank you so much for your care..
Seorang sahabat bernama Jahimah radhiallahu 'anh datang menemui Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam meminta pandangan baginda untuk dia ikut serta dalam ekspedisi Jihad.
Rasulullah bertanya: “Adakah kamu masih mempunyai ibu?”
Jahimah menjawab: “Ya.”
Lalu Rasulullah bersabda:
“Tinggallah bersamanya kerana sesungguhnya syurga terletak di bawah tapak kakinya.”[2]
Dan Kami wajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua ibubapanya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dengan menanggung susah payah dan telah melahirkannya dengan menanggung susah payah. [al-Ahqaf 46:15]
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